Seaford Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The financial burdens and stress you face after a motorcycle accident can be unbearable. But a Seaford motorcycle crash lawyer can take the load off of you and fight for the compensation you’re owed.

The freedom you feel when riding a motorcycle is incomparable to most anything else. But the sacrifice you make for this freedom is safety when you’re forced to share the road with car and truck drivers texting their way through five lanes of traffic.

Despite being a largely safe group, motorcyclists are often portrayed as the stereotypical “reckless biker.” This stereotype is used like a club anytime a rider is involved in an accident and seeks compensation for the damages he or she has suffered.

If you find yourself in such a situation, contact a Seaford motorcycle accident lawyer who understands the importance of the ride and knows the law surrounding personal injury claims and insurance. You’ll find qualified lawyers here at Barros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor, along with all the necessary support and resources.

We’ll fight hard to get you the compensation you need and the justice you deserve.

Causes of Seaford Motorcycle Accidents and Who’s at Fault

Despite the unfair stereotypes motorcyclists face, many of their accidents are caused by the drivers of other vehicles. These drivers are used to only noticing other large vehicles and often overlook motorcycles when changing lanes or turning. Our team of investigators will make sure we know the true cause of your Seaford motorcycle crash so we can prove fault in your personal injury claim.

Here are some examples of when fault belongs to other drivers:

  • Drivers’ minds failing to register a motorcycle in their mirrors or blind spots
  • Changing lanes suddenly without checking for other drivers
  • Drivers misjudging the distance and speed of a motorcycle and hitting it from behind
  • Hitting or clipping a motorcycle due to excessive speed
  • Aggressive driving of any kind, including following too closely
  • Drunk, drugged, or drowsy driving
  • Using the phone to talk or text while driving
  • Running traffic signals or stop signs
  • Weaving outside of a lane

Government agencies could be at fault if any of the following factors caused your motorcycle accident:

  • Unacceptably dangerous road conditions
  • Deep potholes or shoulder dropoffs
  • Traffic light failure
  • Traffic signs that are hard to see

The fault may lie with a motorcycle manufacturer or mechanic under the following circumstances:

  • Part or mechanical failure
  • Installer, mechanic, or maintenance error

Motorcycle Wreck Injuries

Due to the lack of a barrier surrounding you when you’re riding a motorcycle, accidents are much more dangerous and your injuries are likely to be more severe. Helmets have improved, but they can’t truly stop the impact of a multi-ton vehicle. We’ll work with your doctor to make sure every serious injury you suffered is identified, linked to the accident, and properly claimed in your suit.

In a Seaford motorcycle accident, you may suffer injuries to the following areas of your body:

  • Head, leading to traumatic brain injury
  • Face, causing severe disfigurement and sensory problems
  • Neck, back, and spine, possibly involving paralysis or chronic pain
  • Organs, requiring transplants

You might also suffer the following:

  • Lost or amputated limbs
  • Internal bleeding
  • Broken bones
  • Severe abrasions (road rash)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Seaford Motorcycle Crash Compensation

Depending on your injuries, your compensation amount can vary drastically. The hard part is placing a value on your non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering or diminished enjoyment of life.

How can we put a dollar amount to a lifetime with the inability to hug your child or get something off of the top shelf without assistance? It’s difficult, but we must do so to get the full and fair compensation you deserve.

Depending on the circumstances of your crash, you may be able to list the following damages in your Seaford motorcycle accident claim:

  • Current and long-term medical expenses, including medications and in-home care
  • Prosthetic limbs
  • Immediate and future wage loss and diminishment
  • Disability accommodations and modifications made to your home, car, or workplace
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of care, comfort, consortium, or support
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damages
  • Wrongful death

Shared Blame in Your Seaford Motorcycle Accident

Delaware follows a modified comparative negligence policy regarding accidents in which the plaintiff is partially to blame. As long as you’re less than 51 percent at fault, you can file a personal injury lawsuit. However, your compensation is reduced accordingly.

If you’re awarded $100,000 but are found to be 10 percent at fault, you’ll get $90,000—10 percent less. The defense will actively try to take advantage of this by using things you say against you and continue banging on the worn-out “reckless biker” stereotype.

You could share fault with the other driver in your Seaford motorcycle crash if you were doing any of the following when the accident occurred:

  • Speeding or driving in some other negligent manner
  • Knowingly riding on a motorcycle driven by someone drunk, drugged, drowsy, emotionally unstable, distracted, or otherwise negligent and dangerous
  • Knowingly riding a motorcycle with mechanical issues, such as dim headlights, no brake lights or turn signals, bad brakes, or flat tires
  • Distracting the motorcycle driver as a passenger

Get in Touch with a Seaford Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Your first step after an accident needs to be calling a lawyer who is familiar with your type of accident and injuries. You’ll need to move fast because the statute of limitations is only two years for motorcycle accidents—and it can be even shorter if you’re suing a government agency.

Our attorneys at Barros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor will treat you with kindness, respect, and, most importantly, sincere honesty. We’ll fight to get you a fair settlement, and, if that doesn’t work, we’re not afraid to take your case to court to do what needs to be done for your financial future.

You can schedule a complimentary legal consultation by calling a Seaford motorcycle accident lawyer at 302-734-8400 or filling out the online contact form at the bottom of this page. We’re ready to seek justice on your behalf.