Seaford Car Accident Lawyer

When you decide to pursue compensation for your car accident, the fight is only just beginning. A qualified Seaford car crash lawyer can support you through every step as you fight for the fair compensation you’re owed.

Whether you suffer a serious injury in a head-on collision or whiplash in a rear-end accident, you shouldn’t be the one to pay all the costs if it wasn’t entirely your fault. But to make the negligent party pay, you have to take legal action, and the legal system is challenging to maneuver and costly if you fail.

A Seaford car accident lawyer who is familiar with all the players in local jurisdictions, including judges, defense attorneys, and insurance representatives, can boost your chance of success. Our team at Barros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor has the resources and experience to win a fair settlement or victory in court. For you, that means fair compensation and a brighter future.

Seaford Car Crash Causes and Fault

A motor vehicle accident can come in the form of a T-bone, rollover, head-on collision, fender-bender, or rear-end accident, among other types. Determining the exact nature and cause of your Seaford car crash will help lead us to the person or other entity that bears the real blame. Some common causes of auto crashes involve the following:

  • Drunk, drugged, drowsy, and distracted drivers who speed or disobey traffic signs or signals
  • Top-heavy vehicles rolling over
  • Terrible road conditions that could and should have been addressed, including sharp drops to potholes or shoulders, traffic signal malfunctions, and obscured traffic signs
  • Part and mechanical malfunctions, such as blown tires; accelerator, brake, or brake light failure; and installer or mechanic error
  • Debris falling from other vehicles or already blocking the road
  • Worksite or construction zone negligence, including zone signage errors, spotlights pointed into a driver’s eyes, and poor vehicle inspections

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

Due to the high speeds and large mass of cars, the forces experienced in a collision are enough to cause catastrophic injuries. Many of these injuries present lifelong conditions that can diminish your ability to enjoy your life. Our concern is that we identify damages and verify that they were due to your car wreck in Seaford. We’ll do this with the help of your doctors, the evidence, and experts.

The following are some examples of injuries that often occur in Seaford auto collisions, as well as the effects they can have:

  • Facial damage may reduce your ability to see, hear, and communicate and cause disfigurement.
  • Head impacts may induce mental and physical disabilities through traumatic brain injuries.
  • Neck, back, and spine injuries can cause nerve damage, inducing chronic pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, or mobility limitations, and even end in paralysis.
  • Organ damage sometimes requires a transplant and may produce secondary conditions, requiring a lifetime of medications.
  • Internal bleeding is deadly if not treated immediately, and it’s often missed.
  • Broken bones may give you lifelong mobility issues or pain.
  • Amputated limbs may occur during a car crash or become medically necessary after the fact.
  • Severe burns often necessitate reconstructive surgery involving skin grafts.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often results from traumatic events like car accidents.

Compensation for Your Seaford Car Accident

We know that placing a value on your ability to run or speak is often shocking, but to win the compensation you need, we have to be very clear with the monetary amounts we’re claiming. We have to show some proof that supports your claim to each damage and its value. Our medical experts and your doctors will help us provide that evidence.

With a Seaford car wreck lawyer’s help, you may be able to recover compensation for the following damages:

  • Current and long-term medical expenses
  • Prosthetics
  • Immediate and future wage loss and diminishment
  • Disability accommodations and modifications to your home, car, or workplace
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of care, comfort, consortium, and support
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damages
  • Wrongful death

Dealing with Insurance and Delaware Laws

Fighting battles with insurance representatives and defense attorneys is difficult because they are skilled at pointing the blame toward you by twisting any statements you make regarding the accident, whether on Facebook or to a police officer. Reducing their amount of fault allows them to reduce their profit loss, which is often the only thing they care about.

Consider the following legal concepts and how they’ll affect your injury claim and dealings with the insurance company:

Shared Fault

Delaware follows a modified comparative negligence policy, which is helpful if you really are partially at fault, but fault can be incorrectly attributed to someone who did nothing wrong. This rule allows you to seek compensation as long as you’re no more than 50 percent to blame, but your compensation is reduced by that same percentage.

For example, if you’re awarded $1 million, but you carry 20 percent of the fault, then you’ll only receive $800,000—20 percent less than the total.

These are some reasons you might be found to hold some blame for your car accident in Seaford:

  • Speeding when involved in the accident
  • Not using seatbelts
  • Acting unpredictably or moving quickly as a pedestrian or bicyclist
  • Knowingly being a passenger in a car driven by someone intoxicated, drowsy, angry, distracted, or otherwise reckless and negligent
  • Knowingly driving or riding in a car with operational problems, such as bad brakes, inadequate or no headlights, or low tires
  • As a passenger, interfering with the driver while he or she attempted to operate the vehicle

Car Insurance Rules

In an “at-fault” state, the person responsible for the accident is responsible for the financial costs, and in a “no-fault” state, regardless of who’s to blame, claims are always filed with your personal insurance company. You can only get past that and file a full personal injury lawsuit if you suffer one of several serious injuries.

In Delaware, the insurance situation after a car accident can be complicated. That’s because no-fault insurance is offered, but it doesn’t prevent auto accident victims from filing lawsuits. The ways insurance will affect your pursuit of compensation are not always immediately clear in our state—it all depends on the circumstances and who you choose as your Seaford auto accident lawyer.

Schedule a Consultation with a Seaford Car Accident Attorney

You need to move quickly because finding the right lawyer may take some time, and the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including auto wrecks, is two years. Under certain circumstances, that deadline could be even sooner.

Meet with a Seaford car accident lawyer from Barros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor so we can discuss your case, the potential hazards, and ways to maximize the value of your claim. You can schedule a free, no-obligation consultation by calling us at 302-734-8400 or filling out the online contact form below.